My platform is simple.
It is the Constitution. My goals are its goals:
form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessing of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity -- list of objectives from US Constitution, Preamble
I am running not to be your leader, but have given you the option to select me as your Trustee. Please read the Quickest Constitution Class on the homepage.
My introduction to Information Warfare and its fatal consequences came in high school health class. Since then, in one way or another, I have been on a campaign (I did not always refer to it as such) to mass disseminate good information. This is another effort towards that same end.
America is and has been on the brink of crisis through tremendously masterful subtle subversion over many generations. (Did you know that dress ties were an attack vector? Who would have thought?) The simple solution is to learn about America.
And have faith.
Policy Items and Issues
NOTICE: Included here are items that require the participation of other entities within the public trust. They are not entirely addressable by the Assembly.
Enable the pursuit of happiness for 101 Million Californians
I propose we upgrade our water, energy, transportation, construction, agriculture, banking, and other life-sustaining infrastructure and services to support 101 million Californians at a standard of living leaps and bounds better than today's average, including the ability for one income to support a family. The more people there are, the better off humanity is, as the rate at which discoveries are made increases. Only eugenicists, who live by fear and the scarcity mindset, will argue that the population needs to be controlled, reduced, and sometimes, eliminated.
By increasing physical output through advances in science and technology, we will become more productive, and thus able to support a population of 101 million at a higher real standard of living.
This does not mean I'm advocating for or want to force there to be 101 million People living in California by 2047, just that we make the human carrying capacity for California 101 million as a goal. Let us build up our infrastructure and let the chips fall where they may.
A byproduct of this is the creation of massive amounts of innovations, developments, tooling, training, and expertise.
This can also end the longtime homelessness crisis, the drug epidemic, and other existential identity crises, as we have seen when similar projects have been undertaken in the past.
It's time for!
Let us transform California into an abundant clean energy economy by 2047 with next generation innovative energy sources such as nuclear power.
"We can begin bringing new plants online over the course of the next five to ten years—transforming our entire economy by upshifting to a new scientific, industrial, and cultural platform. this will mean a transformation of our workforce—of upgraded pay scales, skill levels, and productivity." --page 5 of Pat's Water Report Thanksgiving Special
Similar things have happened before: The building of the Eerie Canal; FDR's New Deal Infrastructure Projects; Kennedy's moon mission; Lincoln's reconstruction programs; Trump's Quantum Leap in the standard of living, part of his Agenda 47; California's very own State Water Project in the 1960.
We've done it before, and we can do it again. Just by following the principle.
Proposed Infrastructure Projects
San Francisco - Richmond Bridge
Connecting San Francisco and Richmond, through Angel Island. Will reduce commute from East Bay. Bridge can be built for trains, road vehicles, and bikes.
More details coming.
SFO - OAK Air Ferry
Like the air train connects terminals, the Air Ferry connects the two airports. Fly in to Oakland and take your connecting flight from San Francisco International, while enjoying a nice ferry trip in between.
More details coming.
End the Federal Reserve; Establish the Third national Bank
One of my childhood memories that stays with me to this day is dinner at a dimly lit restaurant where the grown-ups were talking about why developing nations like China were overtaking nations like the European nations. The logic went something like this:
"People in China are trading in their scooters and buying two, three new cars. People in Europe are trading their cars for bikes. They're biking to work, to school, everywhere. One family might have one car, or no car, while Chinese families have one car or more for every family member! A car adds $50,000 to GDP, while a dinky little bicycle adds $500. These European countries are getting left in the dust!"
I remember thinking to myself at that time, I must have been in my early teens, "Wow, that's an incredibly stupid way of measuring success. You can hate your life just as much sitting in traffic in a $50,000 car as you do on a bike catching the breeze in your face."
We're now seeing the disastrous results of the financialization of everything productive in our economy. Financial parasites have been given the green light by our lawmakers to make profit centers out of productive enterprises, play stupid speculative games at the expense of the citizen, and get bailed out to catch the next fix.
Congress has the power to coin money. We have the sovereign power to control our own currency, free from the destructive boom and bust economic cycles of the central banking-run economic system. The National Bank will invest in productive projects that improve our country's infrastructure, quality of life, and enable us to do awesome things, like take weekend trips to the moon.
Prioritize People instead of Money
The results of a financialized economy where money comes first is disaster. Optimizing GDP and other similar finance-based metrics do not necessarily mean people are better off. We can optimize for whatever we want, and I propose we adopt new standard metrics, such as the Average Standard of Living index (ASLi). Optimizing for ASLi would produce better results and living, while also increasing GDP.
The problem described in the TikTok in this article is addressable with an Article 1 Sec 8 power of Congress. This power is currently not being used. Why? Some or much of the money for the infrastructure we build to sustain 101 million Californians can come from this power as well, and will serve as a model other states can replicate to improve their terrain.
At the founding, a different system of economics was put into practice. American Economics, as opposed to what was called at that time, "British / Imperial Economics." Throughout our history, the implementation of American Economics has been stopped many times. Presidents assassinated. Wars started. Subversion applied.
A 1862 editorial in the Times of London explains why: “If this mischievous financial policy, which has its’ origins in North America, shall be endured down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debt and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedence in the history of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”
Learn more:
parental powers and rights education campaign
Did you know that a California mom was able to nullify the injection mandates to get her kid enrolled in school? She stopped the medical fascists at the point of enforcement. No protests, no rallies, no fighting bad bills. How? Because the "law" that established those mandates were NULL and VOID from the time they were passed in the legislature, and she asserted her powers and rights, calling their bluff in a simple, yet powerful, lawful manner. Isn't our Constitution great?
I will initiate a massive Parental Powers and Rights campaign to educate parents across this state to do the same, empowering them with the understanding of our Great American Law to ensure that their children's health, well being, and education are not affected by idiotic and perverted bills. Once we do this, even if evil and/or incompetent legislators get back into office, their bad bills will have zero power of law or effect because the parents will know how to protect their children from unlawful government overreach at the point of enforcement.
Parents should have the ultimate decision-making authority regarding all aspects of the physical, intellectual, spiritual and mental well-being of their children. It's a big responsibility, and many people believe that parents are not capable of holding that responsibility, so they try to force behavior through legislation.
Proper American education for all students
I want our students to be heptalingual out of high school (Recommended languages: English, Legal English, Engineering English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, and elective), and to develop deep knowledge of American History, Civics, Economics, and Law,
We ought to bring back and add more programs such as woodshop, machine shop, construction, band, orchestra, and other programs where the primary activity is in the physical domain.
Let us ensure that our children are properly equipped for their lives in this world, and to continue improving the terrain for the generations following them.
The classroom is a primary target for the injection of subversive ideology, primarily because parents' trust in the educational system and working to get by led them to be hands off with their schools. And so we've been subverted, taught propaganda, rather than educated for many decades without our awareness. Given that this will likely continue to be true forever, all students must also be well versed in the tactics of psychological subversion. America, being a free and open society, is a receptive target of subversion. Physical weaponry is no longer needed to overthrow governments and take over nations, and is, in fact, no longer the method of choice. The battleground is the mind.
Re-mind the Police
I was helping a friend drive her car one day, and wanted to get into the left turn lane from a parked position on the right. Doing this maneuver required to car to cross a solid white line. When I did it, my friend exclaimed, "Shoot, the police is right there! Don't do that, I don't want to get a stupid ticket!" Indeed, the left turn lane I pulled into had an SFPD car two cars up. I saw the police before I started, and did the maneuver safely. If the police were not there, I doubt my friend would have said anything.
Guess what? It appears that most people are afraid of the police.
Proof check: When you're driving down the road, and a police car pulls up behind you, how do you feel? Why? Is that how you're supposed to feel? I don't think so. What's causing that? Perhaps that's why the Defund movement was allowed to happen - State policy turned every Citizen into a potential petty criminal. Even when no real crime has been committed, you can be arrested, charged, and fined. It's happened to me many times, and back then, I didn't know any better. Now that crime is getting out of hand, people are yelling "REFUND THE POLICE!" But the underlying problem remains, continuing the pendulum's forceful swing
Our Law Enforcement Officers are not trained on American Law.
It's not just the police. I once asked a Sheriff's Deputy what he would do if he were called to arrest a black lady who was refusing to move from her seat on the bus. He struggled with the answer. I knew what he wanted to say, but due to his policy training, he gave the politically correct answer: Well, in that political environment, I would not have become a law enforcement officer.
What's changed since then? We still have "laws" in the codebooks that turn innocent people into criminals.
The Offices of the Sheriff in San Francisco and other counties are on the way out due to misinformation, lack of education for our great law enforcement officers, and our own lack of understanding. Many deputies know and feel the right thing to do, but political rules and inhumane policy bind their hearts and minds. And of course you don't want to bite the hand that feeds you.
The fix for this is education. "Re-minding" our law enforcement officers can be done by ensuring that all sworn officers in this state go through Sheriff’s Academy, a short educational program for American Law training. Peace Officers take an oath to support and defend our Constitution, so they should know what that means and how to do it.
They should all know that, if called to arrest Rosa Parks, the proper way of handling the situation is this:
Sheriff: "Hello Mrs. Parks, what seems to be the problem?"
Rosa: "No problem, just riding the bus."
Sheriff: "Ok, I see. Well gentlemen, why'd you call me here?"
Police: "She needs to move to the back. She's breaking the law!"
Sheriff: "Well, I don't see her harming anything but your ego, there's no property damaged, no breach of contract... Rosa, Would you mind if I sat with you to make sure you get home safe? These other guys with guns seem to have some problem with you. In fact, I'll have my Deputies stationed outside of your house for a few weeks just to make sure you and your family are safe."
Sheriffs should be the #1 Chief Law Enforcement Officer in their county, responsible for the safety of all people in their jurisdiction, from threats and advances of all kinds, and enforcing the law as written. This is currently not the reality, many have called San Francisco a lawless city. The three years of pain, misery, and destruction we recently had could have been prevented, or severely lessened, if we had Constitutional Law Enforcement. We ought to provide a proper education for our Law Enforcement so their great work can be made greater, empowered through knowledge of Great American Law!
Learn more at
At the present moment we have a big crime problem that can be solved in big part by our law enforcement. There has been a War on Cops for a long time, and what we have now is the result of that. While understandable (see above), waging war on those who keep our city safe is not right way to go about it. What I propose now for our law enforcement officers is indemnification for doing what is needed to stop crime. A lot of the good work peace officers do is in the background, not seen on TV or news headlines, while the negative events are magnified. There are many more good people out there than bad ones, and we have to allow them to do what they need to do. They can do it, so let us let them.
IncomE tax filings replaced with voluntary election options
Replace the filing of a yearly 1040 form with a choice of donation where each pay period, you choose how much of your gross wages you wish to give to the federal and state governments and other revenue agencies, with 0% being an option. If you are too broke to donate, your government is not operating as advertised.
This is implementable through the payroll software already in use, and will relieve a lot of paperwork burden on businesses as well, especially at hiring. Charities, nonprofits, and other things can be added as well to the list of donation options.
This immediately gives our government a valuable scorecard and forces the fixing of many things. Perhaps we will ask, "How did government raise revenues for 150 years after its founding while also raising the standard of living to heights never before dreamed of when there was no income tax devouring the substance of the citizenry?"
Update: Turns out the income tax first became a thing in 1862. Read more here.
Why is the line before 1913 flat at 0?
build community public trust staffing committtees
George Washington warned us of the dangers of sportsball style parties in his farewell address:
"The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty.
Without looking forward to an extremity of this kind (which nevertheless ought not to be entirely out of sight), the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.
It serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which finds a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another.
There is an opinion that parties in free countries are useful checks upon the administration of the government and serve to keep alive the spirit of liberty. This within certain limits is probably true; and in governments of a monarchical cast, patriotism may look with indulgence, if not with favor, upon the spirit of party. But in those of the popular character, in governments purely elective, it is a spirit not to be encouraged. From their natural tendency, it is certain there will always be enough of that spirit for every salutary purpose. And there being constant danger of excess, the effort ought to be by force of public opinion, to mitigate and assuage it. A fire not to be quenched, it demands a uniform vigilance to prevent its bursting into a flame, lest, instead of warming, it should consume." Read Washington's full address.
The California Republican Party and California Democratic Party have both failed their self-given missions statements. San Francisco is a "Democrat" city now. It was once a "Republican" city, and will be again. The pendulum is swinging, just as Washington describes it happening in his time.
I encourage you to take the responsibility of staffing our Government back from the parties. Elect Trustees based on the content of their character rather than the letter next to their name. Form committees in your district to find, nominate, and elect capable statesmen and stateswomen. Run for office yourself.
Constitutional checking for all bills passed for the next fifty years
Any Bill put forth in the legislature must include an addendum that outlines the bill's alignment with the purpose and intent of the United States of America and its Supreme Law, with the measurable criteria to be checked 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years after passage, and the bill repealed if the check fails as if it had never passed. The sponsor(s) of the bill must submit this in affidavit form, attesting to the alignment, witnessed by two People within the officeholder's district.
This will resolve the current educational disaster by ensuring that all elected officials and employees in offices of public trust know and understand the meaning and importance of their mandate to which they swore an oath. It will also give the people a meaningful report card on which to measure their Trustees.